Monday, July 22, 2013

Trash to Treasure

Trevor and Chrissy have been finding some real gems curbside and around town for free!  The stop and pick up any junk that looks like it has protential but has also been utilizing Craigslist's free section and  You really can't go wrong with something that was free and they have creates some really good pieces.  They have been picking up so much stuff that they couldn't fit it in the garage anymore and needed to move into the driveway under a tent!

 One free item they picked up was an old wicker bench/table.  They found it curbside while driving by and stopped and picked it up.  With some structural repairs, a fresh coat of paint and an added glass top, it looks like new!

Another street find was an old step stool.  It simply needed some TCL to make it work and look like new. The color choice definitely made a huge difference!  Good work by Trevor and Chrissy

The competition is heating up! We are all having so much fun.  All the projects are looking so good!


1 comment:

  1. A great and fun family competition! I can't wait to see the next creations, and of course, the final outcome!!
